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Meet us digitally! Phoenix Contact Dialog Days – our virtual Hannover Messe

R. Langmann
Meet us digitally! Phoenix Contact Dialog Days – our virtual Hannover Messe
by Langmann Reinhard - серада 22 красавік 2020 7:39

As you already know, the Hannover Messe 2020 has been cancelled. This is Deutsche Messe AG’s response to the global coronavirus pandemic. But we still want to meet up – digitally!

That is why we are launching the PHOENIX CONTACT Dialog Days. We are hosting a virtual conference so that we can still update you about our latest innovations, technologies, and trends. But most importantly: Let’s enter into a digital dialog and work together to develop creative solutions for a smart world.

During PHOENIX CONTACT Dialog Days 

from April 27-29, 2020

we will present you with this year’s highlights. Moreover, we are inviting you to attend a three-day virtual conference made up of a large number of presentations, interviews, and expert round tables. Afterwards, you can still visit our digital exhibition until May 8th. Find out more about topics that include (à have a look in the attached agenda!):

e-mobility – digitalization of building automation – industrial communication – process optimization in control cabinet manufacturing – safety of machinery – cybersecurity – solutions for innovative power supply – Innovative connectivity for device manufacturers – and much more.

And the best part? In live chats, you have the opportunity to get in touch with us directly. Ask us your questions and share your ideas with us. We will find a solution together. #stayincontact

For further information and registration to the PHOENIX CONTACT Dialog Days:

AND, also we – your EduNet team – would like to stay in contact with you during the PHOENIX CONTACT Dialog Days. On the Hannover Messe we would have agreed an appointment with you in advance or would have spontaneously met you at our booth.

We would now like to take advantage of this opportunity virtually and “meet” with you. Therefore, we have scheduled skype meetings with you on the three days of the PHOENIX CONTACT Dialog Days.

We look forward to your questions, your feedback and good conversations. 

Please, let us know in advance via Email which Skype meeting you would like to attend:

Mon Apr 27th  No. 1: 12:00 – 13:00 (your host: Antje Stellbrink); for skype meeting click here
 No. 2: 15:00 – 16:00 (your host: Antje Stellbrink); for skype meeting click here
Tue Apr 28th  No. 3:   9:00 – 10:00 (your host: Julia Böttcher); for skype meeting click here
 No. 4: 12:00 – 13:00 (your host: Julia Böttcher) for skype meeting click here
Wed Apr 29th  No. 5: 12:00 – 13:00 (your host: Julia Böttcher) for skype meeting click here
 No. 6: 15:00 – 16:00 (your host: Antje Stellbrink) for skype meeting click here

--> All times are in CEST (UTC +2).

Let´s meet virtually and fill the network with life! We are looking forward to meet you!

Agenda in English